I have 35+ years of varying life experience where I have learned to be truly adaptable to my surroundings while still maintaining my true self. I have really learned that sharing experiences with others is truly the fast track ticket to personal growth. I intentionally live by example and have learned that others see me being brave and vulnerable by doing things outside of my comfort zone, it inspires them to achieve these things themselves. Through coaching, I am able to take my personal experiences and blend it with the knowledge I have gained over my years of focusing on self help. I have a heart that truly wants to help.
As a child, I was brought up in an extremely loving home which provided me with strong roots that truly kept me grounded during my teenage years. I have lived with anxiety for as long as I can remember but was unaware of it until my late 20’s. I had a childhood filled with confusion, depression, and the feeling of unacceptance, even though I was raised and loved by a beautiful family in an amazing environment as every child should be raised. It is not always your circumstances that determine mental illness. Sometimes, especially during childhood, your friends are determined by the closeness of where you live and does not reflect on those that you actually live with. In middle and high school, I moved around from clique to clique trying to find my place with a group of friends. This led me to be a part of the “wrong” crowd for quite awhile. I was not aware of how to deal with the anxiety that I have always felt. It wasn’t until I went through a 10-year abusive relationship that I eventually got out of and went looking for help. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD after this relationship. Once I started learning about anxiety, I realized how it has been with me as long as I can remember, and I just wasn’t aware of it. I have struggled with it until I started committing to self realization and self actualization. I really started embracing the fact that the anxiety exists and always will and I have learned how to not feed my anxiety to make it worse but to allow MYSELF to feed off of my anxiety. I turned the anxiety tables. I now believe that my anxiety is truly is a blessing and my life has been dramatically changed through my life experiences.
I have also learned the art of allowing through Unity teachings. I am a member and employee of Unity of Appleton, where we practice a practical approach to life. We are a community with many diverse individuals, all striving for peace and love. We honor the fact that everyone is on their own, unique path and we choose to support those around us, in any way we can, with the knowledge we have from our experiences. A community for spiritual growth. Here I have gained an amazing support system with others that live with anxiety and also those that don’t. My wish is to extend my support to others through my coaching practice.
In all my years of struggle, I have learned that first and foremost, I need to take care of myself. And once I am truly at peace with myself, I’ve learned I have an abundance of love, peace, and understanding that I am able to offer others. I have learned techniques and practices through experiences and trial and error that have allowed me to keep my cup full of love, healing and light. Helping others get closer and in touch with the truth of themselves, is something I find great joy in. I’ve learned that helping others is something that brings me new realizations daily that allow me to live the truth that I am. I am healed.
Peace with others, within ourselves and in the circumstances of our lives is where peace in our communities, our nation and our world begin. It begins with us and then extends outward. I invite you to join me on this journey that we all call life.
Love, Nicole